Tas ļauj gandrīz visur uz velosipēda uzstādīt pudeļu būrus, somas, rezerves caurulītes, slēdzenes vai sūkņus. Montāžas sistēma sastāv no diviem adapteriem un divām izturīgām āķa un cilpas stiprinājuma siksnām. Tos var saīsināt bez grūtībām, un tos var ievietot visās caurulēs ar maks. diametrs 80 mm. Gumijotā virsma aizsargā krāsu un nodrošina, ka nekas neslīd pat smagā braucienā nelīdzenā reljefā
Attribute:No possibility of mounting something on the frame The SKS ANYWHERE enables bottle cages, bags, replacement tubes, locks or pumps to be mounted almost anywhere on the bike. The mounting system comprises two adapters and two durable hook and loop fastener straps. These can be shortened without difficulty and fit on all tubes with a max. diameter of 80 mm. The rubberised surface protects the paintwork and ensures that nothing slips even during a hard ride in rough terrain.
material:plasticlength: 330 mmcircumference: to 250 mmdiameter: to 80 mm